Children Global Medicine

Global Medicine is an area of interest involving both research and practice committed to improving the health of individuals and communities globally, in respect of the equity value.

The goal is to enhance the quality of life of individuals, through sharing of knowledge, technologies, practical and managerial skills particularly tailored on low-middle income countries (LMICs) or social outcast group needs (e.g. refugees, emigrants).

The Maria Letizia Verga Centre has always promoted the therapeutic alliance between health care team and families with children affected by hematologic malignancies and severe disesases. This is our goal wherever the child and his/her family are living.

The mehodology is the capacity-building one, which aims to strengthen the already existing resources  of the country (both material and professional) in order to enhance competencies and skills of health care professionals who can guarantee better clinical outcomes and quality of care.  Our projects aim to sustainability and long-term outcomes. For this challenging and ambitious mission a strong network of shared expertise, training, teaching among professionals and institutions is essential.

We promote health in children affected by onco-hematological diseases thanks to:

  • Implementation of access to care and its quality for children all over the world
  • Training and education of health care staff, in their original country or in our Centre
  • Continuous education and supervision thanks to technology and dedicated online platform where to perform clinical case discussion, seminars and lessons;
  • Scientific and international networking and cooperation
  • Scientific research

Program Coordinator: Marta Verna 

Operational Management: Marta Canesi

Scientific Commitee:  Valentino Conter, Maria Luisa Melzi, Marta Verna e Marta Canesi 

Scientific Publications:

 Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases

 Setting up and sustaining blood and marrow transplant services for children in middle-income economies: an experience-driven position paper on behalf of the EBMT PDWP

The capacity-building approach was successful in the start-up process of the first HSCT center in Iraqi Kurdistan

A Kurdish-Italian Cooperative Project at the Hiwa Cancer Hospital, Sulaymaniyah

A Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Startup in Iraqi Kurdistan: Results in Thalassemia Patients and Analysis of the Methodology


Payment method for “Children Global Medicine” Program:   

Banca Intesa Sanpaolo IT16 R030 6909 6061 0000 0121 169 codice BIC – BCITITMM  

Comitato Maria Letizia Verga

 (Please always specify “In favour of Children Global Medicine program”)